Think more than you consume

One of the most crucial practices for living a life worth living is being skilled at thinking deeply. Consuming a large amount of information, especially low-quality content, may seem more rewarding at first glance. However, this is a fallacy. When you consume too much, you don't give yourself the necessary space to think.

Thinking is challenging, and pondering difficult ideas is even more demanding. As soon as thinking becomes arduous, engaging in another activity may feel much more appealing than continuing to think. This is where many people fall short, as they succumb to the temptation of distraction and fail to push through the discomfort of deep thought.

One effective way to compel yourself to think is by writing more. In order to write coherently, you must first have thought through the content. Writing forces you to organize your thoughts, identify gaps in your understanding, and articulate your ideas clearly. By consistently engaging in the writing process, you develop the discipline to think deeply and critically about the topics you explore.

Cultivating the habit of deep thinking is essential for personal growth, problem-solving, and creating meaningful contributions to the world. By prioritizing thinking over mindless consumption, you empower yourself to generate original ideas, gain profound insights, and make well-informed decisions. Embrace the challenge of thinking deeply, and you will unlock your full potential for living a rich and purposeful life.